Welcome to this new window that represents a further step on the website of our Foundation to broaden the knowledge of the universe that surrounds Ramón Acín (1888-1936). For this task we have had the financial support of the Huesca City Council, whom we want to thank for their collaboration.
In this space we will be translating our documents into French and English, so that users of these languages they can have texts correctly translated and that facilitate an approach to the data, historical or literary facts or of any other type.
We begin with the eight texts that make up the catalog of the great exhibition on Ramón Acín that honored, in 1988, the centenary of his birth. The exhibition, curated by Professor Manuel García Guatas and held in the cities of Huesca, Zaragoza and Barcelona, It was the starting point for Acín, his family and his world to re-emerge after the silence imposed for forty years of the terrible Franco dictatorship. . Ramón Acín and his wife Concha Monrás –both anarchists and pacifists without fissures-, shot in the first days of the 1936 uprising against the democratic Second Spanish Republic, saw the light again with that exhibition and, since then, their personalities and their recovered world have grown in the knowledge and admiration of citizenship.

Memories in the Margin
Sol Acín Monrás (Huesca, 1925 – Zaragoza, 1998).
Remembering an Exemplary oscense (a Huesca Native )
Felix Carrasquer (Albalate de Cinca, Huesca 1905 – Tilh, Francia 1993).
Ramón Acín The Journalist
José Carlos Mainer
Ramón Acín’s Las Pajaritas (The Origami Little Birds)
Antonio Saura (Huesca, 1930 – Cuenca, 1998).